Company Story

About β ί ο ς

Diamond Origin

The company name ‘ β ί ο ς ’ originates from ‘ β ί ο ς ’ in Greek, which translates to ‘life’.
The technology dates to the early 1950s, when scientists created the first lab-grown diamonds also called today cremation diamonds, using High-Pressure High-Temperature anvils.


The technological beginnings of BIOS AG date back to the early 1950s, when scientists learned you can turn ashes into diamonds using High-Pressure High-Temperature anvils.

The founders of BIOS are all leaders in the diverse fields of expertise required to turn cremation ashes into diamonds . They have years of experience in the jewellery trade, the funeral business, conducting scientific research, and creating beautiful diamonds. Together they have the blend of skills required in making cremation diamonds out of ashes.

At first only very small amber and blue diamonds could be created. Today, advancements in the technology of making diamonds out of ashes have changed all that. Now, cremation diamonds from ashes are available through BIOS in larger sizes and more beautiful colour. Your memorial diamond can reflect the loved one’s personality and charm so that becoming a diamond after death continues their presence in your life. BIOS can, on your request, design a jewelry ring around your unique cremation diamond which will help you to keep it close to you.

BIOS headquarters are located in the beautiful and dynamic city Westcliff-on-Sea, in the south east of England. It is on the north shore of the lower Thames Estuary, about 34 miles (55 km) east of London.

Official Member of the European Federation of Funeral Services (EFFS). Is an authorized repatriation, funeral and cremation partner.

BIOS™ – The Company Dedicated in Turning Cremation Ashes into Diamonds

Identification specifics are marked on tracking tags throughout the process

Tracking ID, name and bar code are attached to containers throughout the process of making diamonds out of ashes. At each transfer or relocation, the information is double checked by staff from both the sending and the receiving departments.


Improved New Standards

BIOS’s improved Standard Operating Procedures (SOP BIO OT95000) were introduced to provide the highest level of control and monitoring. Our internal documentation and management systems keep track of each individual order are improved and refined to create the greatest possible reliability when growing diamonds from cremated remains.


25 Checks at 7 Inspection Points

Human hair/ashes or pet fur/ashes are marked with a unique tracking ID and bar code upon arrival. There are seven vital inspection points along the diamond growing process, with a total of 25 checks performed by our trained staff in the different departments. Staff IDs and access dates are logged at every step of the way. All processes are traced. Photos are taken so that you can personally see the care and attention to detail we use in converting your loved ones’ remains into a beautiful cremation diamond you can treasure forever.


Medical-grade, Accurate to 0.001(g)

At the start of the process, hair or cremation ashes of your loved one are carefully and respectfully cleaned with medical-grade sterilization alcohol. The precisely measured amounts of chemical purification agents and catalyst are accurate to three decimal places (0.001g). The Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are necessary to increase the cremation diamond’s colour, purity, stability and quality.

Our Philosophy

  1. Our primary role is not to be dealers in diamonds trade, but to provide emotional support.
  2. Our cremation diamonds and jewelry reunite our clients and their deceased loved ones by keeping them close to heart.
  3. Moved by so many loving stories, our employees are dedicated to providing care and comfort to families in need.

Certificates from Reputable Authorities

The certificates shown below are from international certification and research institutes (such as the the Gemological Institute Of America), assuring you that BIOS diamonds’ are 100% genuine.
